Bill Gates: From Backyard Hero to Global Megaman

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

UK Department for International Development. Bill Gates speaking at DFID. 2008. DFID, London, UK
UK Department for International Development. Melinda Gates speaking at DFID. 2008. DFID, London, UK
Since its founding in 1994, the Gates foundation has contributed over $36 billion in endowments and has become the largest privately owned charity in the world. With his wife Melinda, Bill has contributed to improving global standards in health, medicine, and education. But the Gates aren't stopping with these areas, they constantly looking forward to helping others and are always taking ideas.

Today, the foundation is co-chaired by the Gates family - Bill, Melinda, as well as Bill's father William Gates, Sr. The foundation has grown to have 874 employees (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009).

The HIV/AIDS Prevention Movement

To help improve global condition, the Gates Foundation has devoted a large portion of their resources to solving the HIV/AIDS epidemic. They have been focusing large amounts of money and hours into the Gates Foundation's HIV Strategy - a report published through their foundation outlining their main priorities. The Foundation hopes to discover and develop new tools, make HIV prevention more efficient, demonstrate new ideas, and help to facilitate collaboration between fields in HIV/AIDS prevention and vaccination. (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2010).

"The Grand Challenges"

The Gates Foundation is also committed to helping to improve the living conditions of children around the world. The "Grand Challenges" of the Gates Foundation revolve around this issue. The Gates have teamed up with the World Health Organization to improve conditions.

<read more on the Gates Foundation's work with other organizations>

The foundation hopes to try to improve childhood vaccination rates, create new vaccines, control insects that bring diseases, as well as promote and improve nutrition, health, drug treatments, and the cure of all chronic infections. (Litzow & Bauchner, 2006)
Developing seeds that meet the needs of local farmers. 2010. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle.